VANNA 2020

Soon after moving in I realized Vanna was not equipped for the task at hand.

Vanna failed all expectations of a practical, sustainable, all season dwelling. Efforts to improve the conditions had poor results.

After a couple of years I thought it best to try my luck with a 1984 24 foot class A Winebego Brave. Two years into that effort proved to be an absolute failure. It went to the scrap yard.


None, is the answer.

I studied everything the RV market had to offer. Every class, new and used, economy to luxury.

None are a viable solution.

Any selection would require an extensive effort and investment to construct a viable four season dwelling.

To whom it may concern. No stock model exist that can sustain below freezing conditions, without exception. Forty below does not care about your feelings, no matter what your faith is in the labels claims.

VANNA 2020.0

I decided to give a go at Vanna, again.

My brutal approach was simply complex, what does it take to build a practical and comfortable Primary Residence Vehicle? PRV

I am not interested in camppaning or recreating as a daily existence.


Frankenstein is a more just evaluation at this point.

Every system has been modified or butchered in some way.

I’ve lived full time in Vanna for 5 years now. That’s 1,825 day’s minus 240 day’s were I was away on a camp job.

1,585 day’s total in 5 years. The conditions range from 50c to -30c, colder if adjusted for wind chill.

In that range of conditions I have hot showers every day, shaved most days, used the toilet every day. Neither I nor the plumbing froze. The fiberglass shell is minimally insulated, so some quick showers and cold feet for sure. But never frozen. It does require discipline to keep it together for sure, however it does work. I make coffee every day.

There is no wood stove. The propane forced air furnace was thrown out long ago.

The propane hot water tank is the heat source.

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